Are you ready to Build a Better Life?
As we begin the last week of 2021, I want you to look at your life and ask yourself,
How can I lighten my load?
Check in on your Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual energy
Who or What can I let go of?
An old idea, habit, fear, relationship. Let go of what is no longer serving your higher self.
When you live from your HIGHER self, you:
When you live from your LOWER self, you:
Questions of the week:
What can I let go of today?
How can I live from my Higher Self today?
What do you think of when you hear the word ABUNDANCE?
Overflowing fullness; Abundance of the heart
Extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity: Abundance of a physical product
Affluence or Wealth – The enjoyment of Abundance.
Recently I’ve been experiencing much Abundance in my life both personally and professionally. I’ve posted some of my enjoyments of Abundance on my Facebook page and I’ve received many congratulations and acknowledgements. Several individuals have asked me “What has changed?” “Why do you think this is happening?”
I’ve spent some time thinking about these questions and my answer is “I’ve created a vacuum of abundance in my life”
Today I’d like to share with you my 5 steps to create your own vacuum of abundance.
Create Your Vacuum of Abundance
Get really clear on your WHY
Why do you do what you do?
What makes you jump out of bed in the morning?
Having a clear Purpose and Vision is so powerful. It also helps to get really clear on your Strengths, Needs, Values and Goals. Having this awareness provides a solid foundation for you to build upon. Just like the foundation in your home. If there are cracks in your foundation your home will become unbalanced and more significant problems will start to happen.
One very powerful tool to help you get clear on your WHY is to Create a Vision Board. Having a visual reminder of your Strengths, Needs, Values and Goals will keep you focused on creating the life you really want.
Be Intentional
How do you spend your Time?
How do you spend your Energy?
Is your Time & Energy aligned with your Purpose and Vision?
If not, what shifts do you need to make in your daily, weekly, monthly habits?
Let Go of Your Energy Drains
Releasing your energy drains can be very difficult. Especially when you may not even realize its draining your energy since you’ve been putting up with it for so long.
You may be in a role with is in alignment with your Strengths and your Passion but the environment which you are in could be sucking the life out of you. Perhaps you work with extremely negative or toxic co-workers or customers. Perhaps the company’s policies or philosophies make you compromise your integrity. This goes back to being clear on your Strength, Needs, Values and Goals. If you are compromising a value which is part of your core foundation of WHO you are – you need to leave the job, relationship, environment.
Surround Yourself with Like Minded People
Who are your people?
Who makes you feel good about yourself?
Who cheers to you to ATTRACT more abundance?
Where to they hang out?
Take the Best Possible Care of Yourself
If you don’t put your oxygen mask on first how can you physically breathe and take care of anyone else in your life.
Are you ready to Build a Better Life?