Don’t you love a good story!

Today I am very grateful to one of my life & career coaching clients, Madison, an Audio Engineer from Kansas City, for sharing her success story.
The coach/client relationship is very private and confidential; however, Madison, would like to share her coaching experience with you.
My hope is that you may see yourself in her story and if she can do it, YOU can too.
What prompted you to hire Sarah to be your coach?
I was at a point in my career where I was lacking motivation and couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and needed someone from the outside to help me see the best way, I could tackle my goals and find success.
What are the tangible results of your coaching experience?
Working with Sarah, I completely restructured the way I thought about myself and what I was capable of. We worked on my resume, my interview skills, and the way I presented myself professionally. I was offered my dream job within 2 months of coaching with Sarah.
What are the intangible results of your coaching experience?
I have noticed a real shift in the way I feel about myself and what I’m capable of achieving. Sarah helped me realize that even the way I talk about myself affects my life and my reality.
What are Sarah’s strengths as a coach?
Sarah is amazing at helping you realize your potential in a real and measurable way. Which makes you see that most of your obstacles aren’t really as big as you may have thought they were. This helped me so much!
What was memorable or meaningful about your coaching experience? Would you change anything?
One of my favorite moments from my coaching experience was when Sarah took me through a visualizing meditation where I was saw myself a year ago, myself now, and another year into the future. This was very eye opening for me and really helped me put into perspective the gratitude of where I’ve been and how that got me here, and all of the possibilities of where I can go from here.
Do you feel your coaching dollars were worth it? Why or Why Not?
I think my dollars were extremely worth it. Investing in myself was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I have my professional career, newfound gratitude and self-love so that I simply find more joy in my life, and a business plan in order to achieve my passions and ultimately create a full-time career with it.
Why do you think coaching works?
I think coaching works because you are taking accountability and bringing a professional in to help you make a plan to start changing routines, creating new habits and taking steps towards your goals and aspirations. If you haven’t actually done something before, I think it makes perfect sense to me to hire someone who has achieved similar goals and knows the frustrations to help you learn how to manage how much work goes into whatever goal you have.
Anything else you would like to share?
Hiring a Sarah as my life & career coach is one of the best things, I’ve done for myself. If you’re on the fence, I recommend taking the leap and betting on you!
Are you ready to make a change in your life & career?
Do you need a coach to listen to you, ask you powerful questions and be your accountability partner to make positive, significant, sustainable change in your life?
Please message me at to schedule a complementary coaching discovery session today!