How often do you take time to notice what is right in your life?
Do you take time to notice what is right in your life? Or do you focus on the negative, the lack, on what you don’t have?
When you focus on what you don’t have, you are operating from a low vibe energy, a place of lack vs. a place of abundance.
When you shift your energy to a space of gratitude for what you DO have, you shift to a HIGH Vibe energy which is a place of ABUNDANCE, and you can easily attract more of what you really want in your life.
Studies have shown that focusing on what’s going right in your life can have a powerful impact on your mental and physical well-being. There are many reasons as to why focusing on the positive are beneficial; it helps to reduce stress and anxiety, it can help improve our relationships with others and it can help us be more productive.
Take time to notice everything that is going right in your life.
With your Health
In your Relationships
In your Work
In your Home
In your community
With your Spirituality
Write it down. Share it. Say it out Loud!
Be grateful for everything you have this week.
Notice how your energy shifts and what you start to attract next! Begin living a more fulfilling, happier life for yourself and those around you!!