Success Story: Sara, A Marketing Freelancer from Kansas City
What prompted you to hire Sarah to be your coach?
I decided to re-enter marketing after a career change and a yearlong break from the workforce. Sarah had coached my sister, who found a great new job, so I took the referral. I needed help deciding what type of job I wanted and what organization to join.
What are the tangible results of your coaching experience?
I have interviewed for several positions that excite me, and I am close to landing a great marketing job. I have a beautiful vision board that presents my dream, helping me take daily actions toward my goals. I have a smoking resume that highlights my particular skills and a strong cover letter template. I interview better, too, as a result of prep work with Sarah.
I also have a strong network. Sarah encouraged me to reach out along the way, and relationships with former colleagues and community peers feel stronger than ever, which is especially supportive when re-entering the paid workforce.
What are the intangible results of your coaching experience?
I have a completely different approach to job seeking. Sarah’s coaching helped me truly understand my needs and wants and how to decide whether each opportunity meets my standards.
As a result of Sarah’s guidance and helping me find my “secret sauce,” I better recognize my unique professional strengths. I am more confident and better able to articulate my skills.
What are Sarah’s strengths as a coach?
Sarah is patient and willing to work at the pace I set. She offered gentle guidance and feedback. She is nonjudgmental, letting me guide the process with my own values and needs. At the same time, as a coach, she held me accountable. I worked harder on my career goals because she was there.
What was memorable or meaningful about your coaching experience? Would you change anything?
I hit a stride when I learned more about Sarah’s approach, using the law of attraction, manifestation, abundance mindset, gratitude, and other spiritual techniques. I read a few great books on the topics and now practice manifesting in other realms of my life. This stuff just works, and it’s a much more balanced way to live than fear-based and closed-off.
I recall a standard weekly check-in call when I was too distracted with personal issues to focus on resume wording. Sarah used the opportunity to look at big-picture needs and wants. In a way, that call also helped define my job needs, even though we didn’t address specifics. She is flexible and knows people are people and life happens.
Do you feel your coaching dollars were worth it? Why or Why Not?
Yes. I coached with Sarah for three months and saw the value right away. She got me into action and encouraged me to hold every decision to my standards. (My default may have been to take the first offer, not apply for a “dream job” because I lacked one qualification, etc.) The coaching fees are more than offset with Sarah’s help in identifying my professional value and negotiating higher salaries.
Why do you think coaching works?
Coaching keeps me accountable. Coaching brings out my strengths, encouraging me to stretch even more to become more effective. It’s also nice to have a talented, likable professional on my side!
Anything else you would like to share?
I will recommend Sarah U as a coach to anyone looking to change jobs. She truly wants her clients to succeed. She is authentic, positive, and super smart.